{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "5_ft_Contors", "guid": "0EA507C1-1158-4F50-8F3E-B624BAFAE4A6", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "2015 OLC Chelan FEMA", "description": "The LiDAR survey occurred between July 31, 2015 and October 15, 1015 utilizing a Leica ALS80 mounted in a Cessna Grand Caravan. The systems\nwere programmed to emit single pulses at around 369 kHz and flown at 1,500 m AGL, capturing a scan angle of 15 degrees from nadir. These\nsettings were developed to yield points with an average native density of greater than eight pulses per square meter over terrestrial surfaces.\nTo solve for laser point position, an accurate description of aircraft position and attitude is vital. Aircraft position is described as x, y, and z and was\nmeasured twice per second (two hertz) by an onboard differential GPS unit. Aircraft attitude is described as pitch, roll, and yaw (heading) and was\nmeasured 200 times per second (200 hertz) from an onboard inertial measurement unit (IMU).\nThe LiDAR sensor operators constantly monitored the data collection settings during\nacquisition of the data, including pulse rate, power setting, scan rate, gain, field of view,\nand pulse mode. For each flight, the crew performed airborne calibration maneuvers\ndesigned to improve the calibration results during the data processing stage. They\nwere also in constant communication with the ground crew to ensure proper ground\nGPS coverage for data quality. The LiDAR coverage was completed with no data gaps\nor voids, barring non-reflective surfaces (e.g., open water, wet asphalt). All necessary\nmeasures were taken to acquire data under good conditions (e.g., minimum cloud\ndecks) and in a manner (e.g., adherence to flight plans) that prevented the possibility\nof data gaps. All QSI LiDAR systems are calibrated per the manufacturer and our\nown specifications, and tested by QSI for internal consistency for every mission using\nproprietary methods.\nOLC Chelan Project Overview Map\nOLC Chelan FEMA Data\nLiDAR Acquisition Dates 7/31/2015 - 10/15/2015\nArea of Interest 201,078 acres\nDate Extent 215,029 acres\nProjection Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) 10 North\nHorizontal Datum\nVertical Datum\nNAD83 (2011), Epoch 2010.00\nNAVD88 (Geoid 12A)\nAerial Acquisition\nVertical Accuracy\nVertical Accuracy Results Hard Surface\nSample Size (n) n = 123 GSPs\nFVA (RMSE*1.96) 0.038 m (0.123 ft.)\nRoot Mean Square Error 0.019 m (0.063 ft.)\n1 Standard Deviation 0.015 m (0.049 ft.)\n2 Standard Deviations 0.039 m (0.127 ft.)\nAverage Deviation 0.014 m (0.044 ft.)\nMinimum Deviation -0.080 m (-0.262 ft.)\nMaximum Deviation 0.052 m (0.171 ft.)\nVertical Accuracy reporting is designed to meet\nguidelines presented in the National Standard for Spatial\nData Accuracy (NSSDA) (FGDC, 1998) and the ASPRS\nGuidelines for Vertical Accuracy Reporting for LiDAR Data\nV1.0 (ASPRS, 2004). The statistical model compares known\nground survey points (GSPs) to the closest laser point.\nVertical accuracy statistical analysis uses ground survey\npoints in open areas where the LiDAR system has a \u201cvery\nhigh probability\u201d that the sensor will measure the ground\nsurface and reports the fundamental vertical accuracy\nvalue (FVA=1.96*RMSE).\nFor the OLC Chelan FEMA study area, a total of 2,230\nGSPs were collected. An additional 123 reserved ground\nsurvey points were collected for independent verification,\nresulting in a fundamental vertical accuracy (FVA) of 0.038", "summary": "2015 OLC Chelan FEMA", "title": "5_ft_Contors", "tags": [ "FEMA", "LIDAR" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -120.375596143914, 47.3830947645958 ], [ -120.285909480641, 47.4865260774522 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_2011_StatePlane_Washington_North_FIPS_4601_Ft_US", "accessInformation": "FEMA", "licenseInfo": "" }