{ "diagramTemplateInfos": [ { "name": "Basic", "description": "Add containers, connectivity associations, and structural attachments.", "creationDate": 1582574476000, "lastUpdateDate": 1582588805000, "usedByATier": false, "enableDiagramExtend": true, "enableDiagramStorage": true }, { "name": "ExpandContainers", "description": "Expand containers, then add connectivity associations, and structural attachments.", "creationDate": 1582574476000, "lastUpdateDate": 1582588871000, "usedByATier": false, "enableDiagramExtend": false, "enableDiagramStorage": true }, { "name": "CollapseContainers", "description": "Expand point containers, add connectivity associations, collapse containers, and add structural attachments.", "creationDate": 1582574476000, "lastUpdateDate": 1582588835000, "usedByATier": false, "enableDiagramExtend": false, "enableDiagramStorage": true }, { "name": "Electric Basic", "description": "Add containers, connectivity associations, and structural attachments.", "creationDate": 1582588486000, "lastUpdateDate": 1582588499000, "usedByATier": false, "enableDiagramExtend": true, "enableDiagramStorage": true }, { "name": "Electric Collapsed Containers", "description": "Expand point containers, add connectivity associations, collapse containers, and add structural attachments.", "creationDate": 1582588525000, "lastUpdateDate": 1582588537000, "usedByATier": false, "enableDiagramExtend": false, "enableDiagramStorage": true }, { "name": "Electric Distribution Circuit Switching", "description": "Trace distribution subnetworks from medium voltage circuit breakers, medium voltage transformer banks or low voltage network protections in input, then collapse, reduce non relevant devices to focus on critical subnetwork devices\nExpect at least one medium voltage circuit breaker, medium voltage transformer bank or low voltage network protection as input", "creationDate": 1582588563000, "lastUpdateDate": 1582588567000, "usedByATier": false, "enableDiagramExtend": false, "enableDiagramStorage": true }, { "name": "Electric Distribution Interconnected Substations", "description": "Discard all features in input excepted the input substations, expand the substation contents, get the high voltage conductor that intersect these substations and add them to the generated diagram, reduce devices and junctions with two connections that are present along the same line.\nExpect at least one substation as input", "creationDate": 1582588592000, "lastUpdateDate": 1582588601000, "usedByATier": false, "enableDiagramExtend": false, "enableDiagramStorage": true }, { "name": "Electric Distribution Substation Bus", "description": "Generates diagrams of Distribution Substation subnetworks.\nCan be set as a system diagram template for Distribution Substation tiers or picked up to generate diagrams from Distribution Substation subnetwork traces", "creationDate": 1582588625000, "lastUpdateDate": 1582588638000, "usedByATier": false, "enableDiagramExtend": true, "enableDiagramStorage": true }, { "name": "Electric Distribution Switching", "description": "Collapse, reduce non relevant devices to focus on critical devices on a distribution subnetwork.\nCan be set as a system diagram template for distribution tiers or picked up to generate simplified diagrams from distribution subnetwork traces", "creationDate": 1582588663000, "lastUpdateDate": 1582588666000, "usedByATier": false, "enableDiagramExtend": false, "enableDiagramStorage": true }, { "name": "Electric Expanded Containers", "description": "Expand containers, then add connectivity associations, and structural attachments.", "creationDate": 1582588692000, "lastUpdateDate": 1582588704000, "usedByATier": false, "enableDiagramExtend": false, "enableDiagramStorage": true }, { "name": "Electric Sub Transmission", "description": "Generates simplified diagrams of Sub Transmission subnetworks with an automatic grid layout.\nCan be set as a system diagram template for Sub Transmission tiers or picked up to generate diagrams from Sub Transmission subnetwork traces", "creationDate": 1582588729000, "lastUpdateDate": 1582588742000, "usedByATier": false, "enableDiagramExtend": false, "enableDiagramStorage": true }, { "name": "Electric Transmission", "description": "Generates simplified diagrams of transmission subnetworks with an automatic grid layout.\nCan be set as a system diagram template for Transmission tiers or picked up to generate diagrams from Transmission subnetwork traces", "creationDate": 1582588769000, "lastUpdateDate": 1582588777000, "usedByATier": false, "enableDiagramExtend": false, "enableDiagramStorage": true } ] }