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Legend (Zoning_and_Land_Use_Public)

Urban Growth Area (0)
City Limits (1)
Zoning Districts (2)
CBD - Central Business District CBD - Central Business District
CD - College District CD - College District
CN - Neighborhood Commercial CN - Neighborhood Commercial
I - Industrial I - Industrial
NWBD - North Wenatchee Business District NWBD - North Wenatchee Business District
OMU - Office Mixed use OMU - Office Mixed use
RFL - Residential Foothills Low RFL - Residential Foothills Low
RH - Residential High RH - Residential High
RL - Residential Low RL - Residential Low
RM - Residential Moderate RM - Residential Moderate
RMU - Residential Mixed Use RMU - Residential Mixed Use
RS - Residential Single Family RS - Residential Single Family
SWBD - South Wenatchee Business District SWBD - South Wenatchee Business District
WMU - Waterfront Mixed Use WMU - Waterfront Mixed Use
Overlay Districts (3)
CSO - Columbia Street Overlay CSO - Columbia Street Overlay
HEO - Historic / Entertainment Overlay HEO - Historic / Entertainment Overlay
IO - WMU Industrial Overlay IO - WMU Industrial Overlay
PO - WMU Pedestrian Overlay PO - WMU Pedestrian Overlay
RRO - WMU Recreational/Residential Overlay RRO - WMU Recreational/Residential Overlay
GHD - Grandview Historic District GHD - Grandview Historic District
MRC - Mixed Residential Corridor MRC - Mixed Residential Corridor
CDO - College District Overlay CDO - College District Overlay
CNO - Neighborhood Commercial Overlay CNO - Neighborhood Commercial Overlay
Historic District Boundaries (5)
Wenatchee Register of Historic Places (6)
Historic Properties (7)
Brown's First Addition Brown's First Addition
Downtown Downtown
Downtown/Register Downtown/Register
GHD/Register GHD/Register
Register Register
Streams (9)
Type F Stream Type F Stream
Type Ns Stream Type Ns Stream
Slide Hazard Area (10)
Shoreline Master Program (11)
High Intensity High Intensity
Shoreline Residential Shoreline Residential
Urban Conservancy Urban Conservancy
Waterfront Park Waterfront Park
Erosion Hazard Area (12)
Cliffs-Bluffs and Big Horn Sheep Habitat (13)
Rockfall Hazard Area (14)
Modified Ground (15)
Wildland-Urban Interface (16)
WUI Primary WUI Primary
WUI Secondary WUI Secondary
FEMA Flood Zones (17)